The new orientation the wood construction market is taking brings more business to specialize in transformation, renovation.
Existing buildings often have irregular geometric shapes bringing additional difficulties with on-site measurement.
Simplify work with ultra-performing total stations. They offer maximum flexibility for industrial or construction applications. In a digital age new tools are necessary to stay competitive.
To meet these requirements Cadwork offers the Leica Builder.
Building Applications:
Different measure points taken with a total station (existing building, slab measurement, etc.) are transmitted in real-time to Cadwork 3D.
The result appears in real-time in Cadwork 3D as points, lines and surfaces with different colors. More data can be added to each measurement like comments, level or area to streamline the work later on.
The drawing can be reworked directly in Cadwork 3D and resent to the total station. The total station can then locate with extreme precision important points like hanger or form work location.
Civil Engineering Applications:
A three-dimensional terrain survey can be done with the total station can be quickly and simply modeled in Cadwork 3D via the Terrain module.
It then becomes possible to design and model a structure in Cadwork 3D while taking the real topographical environment to query various data:
- Cut and fill volumes
- Topographical data stakeout
- Production data (construction on sloped terrains)
- Landscaping integration